The Electoral Progress Party.

Allowing You To Vote for Whoever You Want.

The Electoral Progress Party is campaigning for both STAR voting and mandatory voting. These reforms compel our representatives to be more truly representative of us.

Under Our Reforms Elections Will Go Through 3 Phases

Scoring Phase:

  • Voters score each candidate on a scale, usually from -5 to 5, where -5 indicates strong disapproval and 5 indicates strong approval.

  • Voters can assign the same score to multiple candidates if they wish.

  • Allowing you to express your feelings on ALL candidates rather than just your approval for one

Totalling of Scores:

  • After voting, all the positives scores for each candidate are totalled.

  • The two candidates with the highest total scores advance to the runoff phase

Automatic Runoff Phase:

  • In the runoff, each ballot is reviewed to see which of the two finalists the voter scored higher.

  • The candidate who is preferred by more voters in this head-to-head comparison wins the election.

  • Your vote is never wasted with STAR voting allowing you to have your say every step of the way.

Through these steps our elected officials will be vetted and chosen by all of us as a united society

What is Your Electoral Strategy?

We are only targeting safe seats during this time of unprecedented uncertainty. We don’t want to make swing seats even more volatile, which is why we are focusing on safe seats where we have a low chance of winning. We are happy to act as a protest against this restrictive electoral system, but not to the extent that it would harm our great country.

Why not Proportional Representation?

The reason we are not aiming for proportional representation is due to two simple factors:

  1. Proportional representation still restricts voters to expressing their opinion on only one candidate, rather than providing their complete opinion on all the candidates available.

  2. Proportional representation encourages MPs to represent the ideals of their party rather than the interests of the citizens in their constituency.

Who is the party associated with?

Our party is completely independent, the only obligation we have is to our extremely good looking voters, we accept no donations, only volunteering.

Other than electoral reform what will you do?

Nothing. We will work exclusively for electoral reform. We understand that we won’t be able to represent the entire electorate on matters outside our mandate, so we will abstain from any vote not related to electoral reform.

Once our reforms are in place, we will gladly resign.

What if you can’t get your reforms through?

If we get elected and are unable to overcome the entrenched system, we will resign. If, after one year as an MP, we have no demonstrable progress to show, we will step down.


Our Candidates

Ruairi Kendall

  • Ruairi Kendall is a 21 year old currently working as a cashier in a Sainsbury’s Local on Botham road. An adamant proponent of Electoral Reform Kendall has been fascinated by politics and how to improve its functioning for years.

  • Ruairi Kendall will be running to contest Rachael Maskell for MP of York Central

  • The website Electoral Calculus places Kendall’s competitor Rachael Maskel to win at 100% with a predicted majority of 50.5% making it mathematically impossible for Ruairi Kendall to split this vote. This allows you to vote for Kendall guilt-free

Get Involved.

If you are just as passionate about helping our democracy as we are, get involved by contacting us here:


Social Media

@ElectoralProgressParty_ Instagram

@EParty29027 Twitter